Hello wave fans! Just a quick update on my son Glen. He is doing very well in Europe as one of their rising stars. An article just came out (Glen never tells me these things) that has him listed as the player of the month. You can view that here:
http://www.fibaeurope.com Just skip to the picture with Glen and read that article that follows.
While there, please vote for Glen in the All Stars box as he is also in the running for the Fiba Eurocup allstars.
He was also given an Iceline Award for one of the most spectacular plays (dunks). That was the translated version but you can see that here: translate.google.com/tran...uage_tools
There is a picture of him further down that page, but I don't know if that's the dunk that one him the award. (Hope not because that fellow got hurt following that dunk).
His team plays in two leagues, the Fiba Cup against other European countries, and the German league. He's averaging 20.3 pts a game in the Fiba cup as of this post. I don't know his stats in the German league.
We miss Glen very much and he gets real homesick every now and then. But some of you have kept in touch with him (along with family members) and we all appreciate you for supporting him.
Glen gets very embarrassed whenever I post a note about him on this board -- so don't tell him I did this!
Glen's mom
Glen'in annesi şöyle demiş: Avrupa'da ayın en iyi oyuncusu seçilmiş ve Fiba Eurocup allstarları için oğluna oy verilmesini istemiş. .
Hem Fiba Eurocup'ta hem de Alman liginde oynuyor demiş.Fiba liginde 20.3 sayı ortalaması ile oynamış fakat Alman ligindeki istatistikleri bilinmiyor
Ayrıca en spektatküler smaç ödülünü almış sanırsam (Iceline Award)
Bi de oğlumu çok özledim, lütfen bu mesajı attığımı söylemeyin çünkü böyle şeyleri söylememi istemiyor, söylediğimde çok utanıyor demiş.
Böyle bir oyuncu ile uzun rotasyonumuz tamamlanır diye düşünüyorum. Mike Watson'dan vazgeçmemiz çok iyi olmuş çünkü onun hakkındaki haberler pek iyi değildi.