Toplam borcumuz 2 milyon 633 bin dolar ama Zellous bizde bir sezon oynamamış mıydı? Bir de transfer yasağı neye göre geliyor ve neye göre kalkıyor bilgin var mı Cem abi?
Borcu ödediğinde ya da karşı taraf talebini geri çektiğinde kalkıyor Semih .... Zellous'a ilişkin kararın sonuç bölümü :
AWARDFor the reasons set forth above, the Arbitrator decides as follows:
1. Galatasaray Spor Kulübü Dernegi is ordered to pay to Ms. Shavonte ZellousUSD 75,000.00 as compensation for unpaid bonuses relating to the 2013-2014 season, together with interest of 5% per annum from 26 May 2014.
2. Galatasaray Spor Kulübü Dernegi is ordered to pay to Ms. Shavonte ZellousUSD 135,000.00 as compensation relating to the 2014-2015 season, togetherwith interest of 5% per annum from 30 September 2014.
3. Galatasaray Spor Kulübü Dernegi is ordered to pay jointly to Mr. Brian Dykeand Mr. John J. Baptiste USD 13,500.00 as compensation relating to the2014-2015 season, together with interest of 5% per annum from 30September 2014.
4. Galatasaray Spor Kulübü Dernegi is ordered to pay jointly to the ClaimantsEUR 4,565.25 as reimbursement of the advance on BAT costs.
5. Galatasaray Spor Kulübü Dernegi is ordered to pay jointly to the Claimantsthe amount of EUR 4,000.00 as reimbursement of the handling fee.
6. Any other or further-reaching requests for relief are dismissed.Geneva, seat of the arbitration, 26 May 2015.